We want you to be confident with each and every order you make with us and we are here to make sure you are satisfied from the moment you start work with us to the moment you receive your marble or granite mosaics, marble medallions, marble border, or backsplash. You're welcomed to contact us by email, fax or phone.
Xiamen Union Stone Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Angela Zheng
Tel: +86-592-2628507, 2147829
Fax: +86-592-5993507, 3761507
XIAMEN UNION STONE CO., LTD. , Professional Granite and Marble Supplier from China
Call us at: 86-1395-9259507, +86-592-2628507 or fax to +86-592-5993507 Mr. Steven Xie: export@unionexport.com.cnstoneexport@126.com
Granite & Marble Tiles, Slabs, Slate Tile, Granite Countertops, Vanity Tops, Kitchen Tops, Stone Sinks, Fireplace Mantels, Medallion, Mosaic, Granite Tombstone, Stone Monument, Gravestone, Natural Stone Memorial, Headstone, Flower Vase,
Garden Stone Sculpture such as Fountain, Table and Benches or Stools, Flowerpots, Lanterns, Birdbath, Gazebo, Figure Sculpture, Animal Statues and more.